Afin d’en savoir plus sur les différentes formations proposées par l’ISEN Méditerranée, nous vous proposons de découvrir en vidéo et en moins de 2 minutes le quotidien de nos étudiants. Notre série de « vis ma vie » se poursuit avec Léa, présidente du BDE et étudiante au sein du Cycle Ingénieur, options E-santé et Ingénierie d’affaires à Toulon.
Hello Léa, can you tell us about your career at ISEN?
I'm 21 and in my second year of engineering studies at ISEN Toulon. I took the E-health and Business Engineering option. After the final year of high school, I went straight to ISEN for an integrated preparatory course, the CIN preparatory course (Informatique et Numérique), and then I entered the engineering cycle.
What convinced you to join the school?
I came to find out more at an open day and discovered that the atmosphere was really at the heart of the school and that the students felt good. What I like most is being able to combine the IT and electronics side with the business side, which I also find important as an engineer.
In addition to your courses, you're very involved in school life.
I'm also very active in the school's community life, as an active member of the Student Office, the BDE. And this year as president. It's given me an enormous amount of professional experience, whether it's managing the team, managing the budget or even dealing with other students or the ISEN administration.
En tant que présidente du BDE ce que j’aime c’est de pouvoir travailler avec mon équipe et de pouvoir effectuer vraiment les évènements qu’on a envie de faire, de pouvoir faire plaisir et de pouvoir animer la vie étudiante.
What are your future plans?
For the rest of my studies, I'm going abroad for a semester to study business in Indonesia.
What advice would you give to future engineering students?
The best advice I can give if you're still hesitating about your choice of higher education, I'd say keep in mind that you need to find an environment where you can blossom both academically and extracurricularly. At ISEN, I find that with all the associations you can really develop and gain professional experience and even discover new passions.
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