Are you a candidate at ISEN?

Would you like to enter ISEN's engineering program?
Depending on your profile and background, you can enter ISEN's engineering program in either the 1st or 2nd year.
Admissions are based on applications from candidates with a BUT, BTS, licence, Prépa ATS, bachelors or other bac+2 to bac+4, and on competitive examination for candidates with a prépa class.

Vous souhaitez intégrer l’ISEN Méditerranée en prépa post-bac ?
Pour une admission en prépa à l’ISEN (prépa scientifique CPGE MPSI/PSI ou prépas ingénieur informatique et numérique ou biologie, sciences et technologies), la candidature passe par le concours post-bac Puissance Alpha et par Parcoursup.

Would you like to enroll in one of ISEN's science and engineering bachelor's programs?
For admission to one of our bachelor's programs (Cybersecurity or Development of immersive digital systems), you must apply via the Puissance Alpha bachelor's admissions system and Parcoursup.

Would you like to change your career path?
Your post-baccalaureate career path didn't go as planned?
We offer 3 types of "Admissions Rebond" entry to our school, via the Puissance Alpha competitive entrance exam for students with a baccalaureate or higher.

Would you like to enroll in an ISEN Mastère Spécialisé®?
Selection for a Mastère Spécialisé® is based on a review of your application and a video interview to assess whether your profile and career plan match the program.

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