Physics and Design – Physics of components








Basic quantum physics

Résultats d'apprentissage

Summary of intended learning outcomes:
Understanding of the physics phenomena leading to currents in devices, the way to control them and basic calculations of currents in devices.
Basics in Physics of Solids
Understanding of the interest of semiconductors in the realization of electronic components
Control the transport mechanisms and physical phenomena governing the operation of components of electronics.

Contenu du cours

Starting from the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, we study the properties of solids from their electronic band structure. This analysis leads to metal/insulator/semiconductor definition. Then we focus on the case of semiconductors, and the optical and electrical properties in intrinsic/extrinsic (doped) materials. Basic principles of physics of devices are presented: electronic and hole currents, equilibrium in heterogeneous structure, space charge layer, PN junction, field effect, metal semiconductor contacts, heterostructures… Physical phenomena implied in device operation out of equilibrium are described (radiative / non radiative recombination, light absorption, conduction mechanisms, barriers) and equations leading to current calculation are derived (minority carrier equation) and then solved in some basic cases.


  1. From atomic levels to band structure / free electron gas model
  2. The secrets of band structure of solids and its link to electronic properties
    Crystallography, insulating, semiconducting and conducting materials
  3. What is a semiconductor? How can we dope them?
  4. Devices: a full set of equations at equilibrium : space charge layer at interfaces
  5. Devices: a trial for solutions out of equilibrium


  1. Crystallography: direct and reciprocal lattice
  2. Band structure of a 1D AB2 crystal
  3. Free carrier density vs boundary condition and comparison to DRUDE model – Band structure of a crystal
  4. Abrupt/Linear graded PN junction under equilibrium conditions
  5. Statistics of a bi-dimensional semiconductor (electron and hole density calculations
  6. Absorption of light in a volumic semiconductor
  7. Generation and diffusion currents in a PN photo-diode under illumination

Méthode d'évaluation

Written test.

Journées portes ouvertes
Toulon & Marseille

Samedi 25 janvier de 9h à 17h – Toulon
Samedi 1er février de 9h à 13h – Marseille