1st cycle Fundamental Physics (Electrostatics, Magnetostatics), Semiconductior Physics (material, conductivity, PN junction). Fundamental mathematics (linear system equations, differential equations). Fundamental logic operation.
Calculation of fundamental parameters to obtain the main electrical characteristics under DC and AC operation in CMOS technologies in relation to SPICE Modeling. Distinguish between integrated resistors, diffusion, diodes, and transistor levels using main semiconductor materials and topologies. Build-up CMOS cells using the VTn, VTp, IOnn/IOnp, Tox parameters for the different types of inverter cells (static load, déplétion load, saturation load, speudo NMOS and CMOS) depending on the technology node defined by the parameter set [Vdd, Lg, Tox]. To design adapted digital cells for a given function in CMOS principle under dynamic operation.
This lecture aims the conception of elementary digital cells pointing out the strong links between electrical static parameters and dynamic parameters with the physical parameters related to semiconductor processing used for integrated circuit fabrication of last CMOS nodes (from gate-length Lg= 0.5µm under supply voltage Vdd= 5V to 22nm under 0.85V).
At the end of this course, the students will know how to determine the main parameters involved in DC performances for CMOS nodes (VT, IOn, IOff, Gm, Gd, Pdc) in addition to dynamique operation (Pac, Fac, tau_n, tau_p, Cload). They will know how to realize single logic functions using CMOS technologies (NAND, NOR, XOR, NO, Ring oscillators ) with help of corresponding schematics . Reinforcement is done on scaling effects onto electrical parameters for N-channel and P-channel transistors, the build-up of any logic functions with CMOS gates and how to use the main parameters given by SPICE models 1-3, in order to obtain electrical characteristics from these devices to the digital cells.
Chapter 1 – PART A : Conception of Digital Circuits
Chapter 1 – PART B : Resistivity and Doping
Chapter 2 : MOS (Métal-Oxide-Semiconductor) CAPACITANCE
Chapter 3 : MOSFET Transistors used for Digital Applications
Chapter 4 : The BASIC GATES
Chapter 5 : The Digital Model: From Static Logic Gates to Dynamic operation
Assessment after tests / Written test.
Samedi 25 janvier de 9h à 17h – Toulon
Samedi 1er février de 9h à 13h – Marseille