IBM Blumix








Development knowledge (javascript)
Applications architecture
Command Line Interface

Résultats d'apprentissage

Understand the different infrastructure services available on IBM Cloud.
Access IBM Cloud using graphical interfaces, command line tools, and APIs.
Discover appropriate IBM Cloud services available to deliver specific functionality.
Articulate the different ways IBM Cloud delivers services to developers and operational teams.
Summarize core groups of available database, integration, analytics, artificial intelligence, and DevOps services.
Use Node-Red to develop applications in order to solve some logical challenges using IBM Cloud Services.
Understand how to use these technologies in a real project

Contenu du cours

This course introduces you to the IBM Cloud. You will learn about the many offerings and services on IBM Cloud.
The course begins with an introduction to the IBM Cloud platform which covers topics such as data center locations and configuring identity and access management. You will discover the various Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) options available on IBM Cloud. Next, you will learn about the deployment options on IBM Cloud; this includes topics such as Containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift. You will also become familiar with IBM Cloud services such as Databases, Artificial Intelligence and Watson, Blockchain, Internet of Things, and many others.
In addition to presentations, you will also see demos of various IBM Cloud features and services in action, as well as perform a lot of hands-on labs to gain practical experience with IBM Cloud at no charge.
This course is of interest to anyone who wants to be a cloud practitioner and use Cloud skills as developers, architects, system engineers, network specialists, and many other roles. The material also serves the needs of those who perform the tasks of advising, building, moving, and managing cloud solutions.
Throughout the course, students complete tests on the Cognitive Class platform, which allows them at the end of the course to obtain an IBM Cloud certification.

Méthode d'évaluation

Challenge 1
Infrastrucure + Quizz
Deploying applications + Quizz

Journées portes ouvertes
Toulon & Marseille

Samedi 25 janvier de 9h à 17h – Toulon
Samedi 1er février de 9h à 13h – Marseille