







Beginner knowledge of datatypes and database.

Résultats d'apprentissage

The objective of this course is to acquire sufficient competency to design relationnal database from client request.
When models are done, the student will use the scripting in order to create the database into the tool through SQL script.
In the second time, he will manipulate the data contains into database et he will be able to gather and aggregate data in order to provide them to third interface.

Contenu du cours

Main Chapters:
Database history and usage information
Database modlees initiation with Merise method.
Design by using MCD, MLD and MPD
SQL queries . database creation by script, data manipulation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT)
Function creation and usage
Triggers initiation
Stored procedure initiation
Part of course is done on PC by student (SQL Express)

Méthode d'évaluation

Written exams and practical work assessment.

Journées portes ouvertes
Toulon & Marseille

Samedi 25 janvier de 9h à 17h – Toulon
Samedi 1er février de 9h à 13h – Marseille