A day in the Bachelor's program for the development of immersive digital systems

Bachelor Video Game Developer

Afin d’en savoir plus sur les différentes formations proposées par l’ISEN Méditerranée, nous vous proposons de découvrir en vidéo et en moins de 2 minutes le quotidien de nos étudiants. Notre série de « vis ma vie » se poursuit avec Mario, étudiant au sein du Bachelor Développeur de Jeux Vidéo et Serious Games à Marseille.

Hi Mario, can you tell us a bit about your educational background?
I'm in the second year of the Bachelor's program in Video Games and Serious Games Development at ISEN. I passed my baccalauréat S in 2020, then did a year's degree in physics and chemistry, but I didn't really like the prospects, so I came straight to ISEN.

A bachelor's degree in video game development is very rare, especially in Marseille, so I had to give it a try.

What do you appreciate most about this Bachelor's degree in Video Game Development?
What's great about this course is that you get to see all the different professions involved in video games, even if you mainly do programming. I was able to see how you can create a game from an idea. How to model objects and characters, how to make them move thanks to programming, how a level is formed thanks to game design. What's more, the teachers are very good listeners.

Is it easy to balance your passion with the seriousness that training demands?
When I work outside the classroom, I don't feel like I'm working, I feel more like I'm having fun, so I work even harder and that makes me better.

What I like about the training is that we have projects. This year, we even took part in the Global Game Jam in Toulon. We had 48 hours to program a video game, with real graphic artists and designers. We were able to create a video game together.

Un des moments clés dans ma formation à l’ISEN c’est le moment où j’ai pu commencer à créer un de mes premiers jeux et que j’ai pu le montrer à ma famille et voir l’étincelle dans leurs yeux. Je me suis dit que c’était incroyable. C’est ça qui m’a donné envie de devenir programmeur de jeux vidéo plus tard.

Do you already have an idea of what you'd like to do once you've finished your bachelor's degree?
After my studies, I'd like to go straight intoan independent studio, not necessarily one that makes big video games. I'd rather make good games that appeal to everyone!

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