Jean-Michel ROLLAND


Humanities and Social Sciences

Campus: Marseille
+ 336 84 83 70 50

Computers are fast, precise and stupid; people are slow, vague and brilliant; together, their power is beyond imagination.

Core business

Jean-Michel Rolland is in charge of continuing education as well as apprenticeship contracts with companies. As part of his research activity, he studies man-machine interactions, and more specifically the impact of technological tools on our behavior, both locally within the same structure, and on a larger scale when several entities are brought into contact. Today, to communicate, we have a wide range of media at our disposal that take us away from the physical relationship. Jean-Michel quotes Alex Pentland, who declares that "IT is dissolving into our behavior", and notes the changes that are taking place in the way we communicate as a result of the development of Information and Communication Technologies.


Jean-Michel Rolland works with other professors and researchers, specialists in organization, psychology, management, and all these disciplines which also provide information on behaviors and on future postures as they seem to be emerging. For Jean-Michel, remote management will continue to develop. He underlines the growing role of artificial intelligence which will increase our exposure to connected objects and will raise the question of our relationship with them. Tomorrow, we will also have to converse with robots, he says. We are heading towards profound paradigm shifts in the way human beings relate to others. Jean-Michel is not worried but recommends vigilance and a reasoned use of these new technologies so that they come to our aid without risking the very essence of Man.


How are our emotions interpreted? What impact does dematerialization have on our behavior? Jean-Michel has conducted a thousand interviews with corporate executives, using a specific individual test he designed. Through this field research, he has observed the emergence of a new form of remote management based on e-behavioral trends. He is now considering how best to adapt teaching practices accordingly, particularly in the context of student teaching. Jean-Michel also mentions the importance of observing the use made of digital tools by the different generations working together (X, Y and Z), so as to facilitate their relations.

About me

Director of Professional Training / Head of Economic and Social Human Sciences: People development has been at the heart of my consulting and training activities for companies for 25 years, and my teaching and research activities within the ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée group for over 10 years. I specialize in assisting men and women within organizations with issues relating to change management in the face of digital technology, the processes involved in implementing digital transitions and, more specifically, transformations in human behavior at work as a result of the use of information and communication systems and technologies. This work on e-behaviors impacts not only workplace relations, but also management methods and tools, and of course the ways in which managers lead and motivate, particularly in situations of remote communication and man-machine interconnections. The confrontation between generations X, Y and Z, the ways in which digital tools are used, their usefulness and usability, the management of new behaviors induced by these new communication technologies, and distance training processes are just some of the avenues of reflection and research on which I am currently working. My aim is to transform the results of this research into operational methods and tools for engineering students and corporate executives living in a digitized, hyper-connected and changing work environment. Pedagogical and e-learning innovations contribute to helping learners appropriate these new behaviors, methods and tools to succeed in their corporate missions.

Areas of expertise

My areas of expertise, linking operational research and training activities within organizations and e-organizations, are as follows:

  • Close and remote management of people, teams and projects
  • Interpersonal communication with and without digital interfaces
  • Conflict management and complex problem solving
  • Support for digital transformation (from organizational audit to operational action plan)
  • e-communication, e-behavior and e-management.
  • Innovation and integration of digital tools in the learning process.
  • Studies and coaching of new human behaviors transformed by the Digital.
  • Ethics and digital transformation
  • Professional support and coaching for managers and executives

Research and development activities

Since 2015, Pedagogical innovations: FR2I project
In our higher education establishments, we've been welcoming students born after 1995 for some years now. These "digital natives", whom Michel Serre affectionately calls "Little Thumbs", were born and raised in a technological context radically different from that of their teachers. Their relationship to knowledge, communication and learning is very different from our own. So it's becoming complex to teach future generations using only the teaching methods of the past. It's a real paradigm shift in our teaching, as we move from a logic of transmitting knowledge to one of learning skills!
The FR2I(Formation en Réseaux Internationaux d'Ingénieurs) project was born in 2016, out of this observation, and was chosen from over 40 proposals from Universities and Grandes Écoles, as part of the (IDEFI-N) Initiatives d'Excellence en Formations Innovantes Numériques
The aim of this project is to expand and generalize, throughout the YNCREA federation, multi-pedagogical approaches centered on the development of skills, and thus enable the pedagogical transformation of our engineering training programs, particularly at Bachelor level (3 years post-bac), through an active, renewed pedagogy enriched by the possibilities offered by digital technology: synchronous or asynchronous online courses, multi-site courses, remote tutoring and assessment, learner social networks, peer-to-peer working, virtual spaces, multi-site workgroups, individualized progression, nomadic working, e-learning (MOOC, SPOC, COOC), blended learning, virtual and augmented reality, etc.
This project is linked to the opening up to the international arena, which opens up a multilingual gateway on a single hosting platform (subtitled courses or courses in foreign languages, interdisciplinary and intercultural distance projects, codesign work), providing access to French engineering degrees and preparing future graduates for international teamwork in multinational companies.
Poster presented at JIPES 2017 (Journées de l'Innovation Pédagogique dans l'Enseignement Supérieur).

Teaching activities

  • Proximity and remote situational management
  • Local and remote project management
  • Support for digital transformation
  • Change management
  • Communication and e-communication
  • Professional project
  • Conflict management and problem solving
  • Ethics and digital transformation


Books :
  • "Manager les e-comportements," J-M. Rolland, Ed. Eyrolles, Apr. 2013 ( Expectra, a subsidiary of the Randstad Group, France's leading provider of specialized temporary staffing and CDI recruitment for managers and supervisors, has had 10,000 copies of this book reprinted to offer to its customers."
  • "Aléas et vulnérabilité en gestion des ressources humaines", Rolland J-M., Sala F., Moreau F. (Coord.), in 'Comprendre et gérer les risques', Éditions d'Organisation, chapter 3, 2002, pp. 47-60
Latest Reviews
  • Management : Interview : " Comment vivre de sa passion ? ", p.84-86 - July/August 2016
  • Grand Angle, journal des grandes écoles: "What pedagogical innovations are needed to train in engineering skills that will be useful for tomorrow's digital professions?", March 2016
  • Le guide du manager 2015 - Management Hors-Série: "Faites du job dont vous rêvez le job dont vous rêvez", Nov-Dec 2014
  • Santé magazine: "And what do you do to disconnect?", April 2014.
  • The People Managers Magazine, People Sphere, Digital HR - p22-27 "How to improve employees' digital experience?", N°180, Dec. 2013
  • HR experts speak. Dix ans d'analyse, Collectif, Focus RH, Studyrama, "Have we spent our vacations with our ICTs?", Feb. 2013
  • "Des collaborateurs sous e-influence", L'Expansion-Management Review, N° 143 p32 à 39 - Dec. 2011

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Toulon & Marseille

Samedi 25 janvier de 9h à 17h – Toulon
Samedi 1er février de 9h à 13h – Marseille