Innovative design solution for wearable connected objects


Under the direction of

Date of defense

End date


In the team of analog design of secure microelectronic circuits, to develop the new generation of microelectronic circuits of nanometric lithography, of high technology intended for the increase of services by connected objects carried on oneself, of type "Contactless".

The mission consists in defining, architecting and developing the "proof of concept" of innovative 2nd generation solutions for this type of secure "Contactless" component.

  • innovation for low power performance
  • innovation to optimize the means of energy recovery
  • innovation to optimize the use of energy
  • innovation for ecological solutions (high efficiency, low waste)
  • innovation for low cost, low impact solutions
  • innovation for technology that helps people safely and without hindering or constraining them

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Journées portes ouvertes
Toulon & Marseille

Samedi 25 janvier de 9h à 17h – Toulon
Samedi 1er février de 9h à 13h – Marseille