Do you want a high level of cybersecurity training?

Specialized master's degree in cybersecurity


The Specialized Master® in Cybersecurity course

Mastère Spécialisé® - Conférence des grandes écoles

The Specialized Master® in Cybersecurity trains operational experts with a global vision of information systems security issues.

They will have access to positions such as :

  • Cybersecurity Project Manager
  • Cybersecurity Manager (SOC)
  • Cybersecurity Consultant

ISEN Méditerranée's excellence in cybersecurity education and its bac +6 diploma are hallmarks of quality that are widely recognized by the professional world.

Training program

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the first intake of this course will take place in September 2025.

Format adapted to professionals

12 months of classroom training (4 to 5 days per month)
4 to 6 months of work experience

400 hours of teaching

  • Governance: standards and regulations, geopolitical issues, risk analysis, integrating safety into projects
  • Protection: network security, system security, web application security, cryptography
  • Defense: digital investigation, intrusion detection, network supervision, cybersecurity threats
  • Resilience: business continuity, pentesting, crisis management, crisis communication, leadership

Admission level

From Bac+4
Derogation from Bac+3




12 months of teaching
4 to 6 months of work experience


Part-time work
4 to 5 days a month

Targeted degree

Specialized Master® program

The plus of the training

Training that can easily be combined with a professional activity, adapted to different profiles who wish to direct their career towards cybersecurity.

The Specialized Master in Cybersecurity is accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles.

This course is eligible for
scholarships, which cover all or part of the tuition fees.


  • Bac+5 (or RNCP level 7)
  • Professionals with a 240 ECTS diploma
  • By special dispensation profiles from Bac+3

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Journées portes ouvertes
Toulon & Marseille

Samedi 25 janvier de 9h à 17h – Toulon
Samedi 1er février de 9h à 13h – Marseille