Analog processing of bio electric signals for E-Health








Basics of electronics (passive components and circuits and amplification), interest in biomedical applications and medical devices.

Résultats d'apprentissage

Understand the mechanisms of conduction in biological tissues. Understand the principles of bioelectric signal generation by tissues and neurons. To be able to design electronic instrumentation to capture bioelectric signals or to characterize biological tissue.

Contenu du cours

This course deals with bio impedance, bioelectricity and the electrical properties of tissues, thus -in a global way of the relationship between biological matter with electricity and electrical signals. Bioimpedance determines the passive properties of tissues, and thus their ability to oppose current flow, this characteristic leads to a wide family of electrical biosensors for analyzing fluids and biological tissues. Bioelectricity deals with the ability of cells and organs to produce electricity, as is done by cardiac functions and in neurons, this electricity is produced by the body and can be detected to assess many vital functions. Bioelectricity also addresses how tissues can be controlled by external signals for muscle stimulation and regeneration or diagnosis.
In each case, the course provides the electrical modeling of the targeted biological material, basic low noise electronic circuits and instrumentation chain, data analysis and details some selected applications.

Chapters include:

  • Introduction: Definition of bioimpedance, bioelectricity and illustration of the scope by some examples.
  • Conduction of biological media, ionic transport vs. conduction in solid media (electronic devices).
  • Modeling of the dielectric properties of (4) different types of biological tissues. Data and their representations (equivalent circuits, Cole-Cole representation)
  • Bioelectricity: cell polarization, action potential, neurons and transmission in axons
  • Electrodes, type of measurements (mono, differential), electric double layer
  • Electronic measurements, amplification chain and instrumentation, bridge structure and analyzers
  • Application (electro cardiogram, electromyogram, body impedance spectroscopy, single cell characterization)

Méthode d'évaluation

Written exam.

Journées portes ouvertes
Toulon & Marseille

Samedi 25 janvier de 9h à 17h – Toulon
Samedi 1er février de 9h à 13h – Marseille